Pliopithecus antiquus (Pliopithecidae)

Pliopithecus antiquus ist eine Primatenart innerhalb der Familie Pliopithecidae, die ab dem Neogen (Miozän) im Burdigalium lebte, das vor rund 20,4 Millionen Jahren begann und bis vor 16 Millionen Jahren andauerte.


Daten zu den einzelnen Funden von Pliopithecus antiquus
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Sansan SE from Auch, near Castelnau-Barbarens. Coordinates are for Sansan, about 8 km SW from Castelnau-Barbarens. Serravallian
zwischen 11.62 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
The fossils come from different, superposed lithologies. Those include: purple clays, gray clays, marls, but also limestones and molasse. No distinction is made about the exact provenance of the fossils from these various levels. The ref. Ginsburg (1964)is an update of previous works (Lartet 1836-1858) and Filhol (1891), but it was published as new excavations were taking place.
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Opole 1, Silesia, Co-ordinates based on the city of Opole in Southwestern Poland, the site is approximately 15km Southeast of the city. Serravallian
zwischen 11.62 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
Middle Miocene, MN 5-7. 'contained bones of vertebrates and shells of snails in loams filling a channel and covered by lignites.'
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Przeworno 2, Lower Silesia Co-ordinates based on the town of Przeworno. Site is in a marble quarry nearby. Serravallian
zwischen 11.62 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie Kommentar z. Taxonomie
MN5-7, Middle Miocene. Karst fissures and channels in a marble quarry of probable Proterozoic age. Przeworno 2 is a 12m vertical fissure in the west wall of the quarry, filled with clay and blocks of marble. Probably the same age as Przeworno 1. clay and blocks of marble. Local environment probably mixed with both humid forests and savannas nearby (interpretation based on fauna).
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Ziemetshausen 1b Bavaria, East of Ulm City, close to the street B 300, about 1,2 km Westsouthwest of the church of Ziemetshausen (Gradabteilungsblatt 7729 Ziemetshausen: r 36 12 400, h 53 51 150) Langhian
zwischen 13.82 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
MN5"c"; Obere Süßwassermolasse (Upper Freshwater Molasse), Middle Miocene, MN6; the fossils are taken from the "Brockhorizont" a layer in the sorrounding of the Ries, which generated during the Ries-meteor-impact. So the fossils have the same age as the impact, which is estimated to have taken place 14,7 Myr ago. MN5"c" (=upper MN5) after Bollinger 1994. The "Brockhorizont" is characterized by boulders of Weißjura (Upper Jurassic) scattered around in the sand- and claydeposits.
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Fischbach 600m, Helsighausen, Thurgau Fischbach 600m, Helsighausen Municipality, Thurgau Canton; geocoordinates: 721800/277800 Serravallian
zwischen 11.1 und 12.75 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
about 13.5 Mill. years; Bollinger 1994: MN7; Bollinger 1992: MN 6-7 (?8); Obere Süßwassermolasse (upper Freshwater Molasse);
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter Geologie, Formation Kommentar zur Sammlung
Hambach mine horizon 6C This collection is from an open cast mine north of Duren in western Germany Langhian
zwischen 13.65 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Ville Hambach 6C
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie
biozone MN 5, in the middle part of the main lignite seam, later authors list horizon as 6Ca/b JA: "6C" entered as local bed, with no local section name Hambach 6C local fauna can be correlated with the upper part of mammalian Neogene unit MN 5, indicating an absolute age-range of 16.0–15.2 Ma for this late Orleanian, early middle Miocene fauna (Mörs et al. 2000; Mo€rs 2002; Mörs & Kalthoff 2004).
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Sandberg Approximately 2 km westwards from the stockerau limestone pit, on the north-western slope of Devinska Kobyla Hill Serravallian
zwischen 11.1 und 13.65 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
Bulimia-Bolivina Zone of the Late Badenian, MN6b to MN 7+8 basal coarse clastics, micaceous sands, clayey sands, calcareous sandstone, organogene and organoditric limesone, breccias and gravel layers
Sammlung Kommentar zum Fundort Epoche, Alter
Grand Morier, assemblage no. 6 located in the heart of the Ligerian Basin, 40 kilometers West from the city of Tours -
zwischen 7.25 und 20.44 Millionen Jahren
Sammlung Epoche, Alter Kommentar zur Sammlung
Pelmer Tortonian
zwischen 7.25 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Sammlung Epoche, Alter
Contres, Loir-et-Cher Langhian
zwischen 13.82 und 15.97 Millionen Jahren
Kommentar z. Stratigraphie Lithographie
Auge et al (2002) suggest that some continental sediments of MN3 age have been reworked into this (MN5) locality so there is some incongruence in the taxonomic list Falun


L. Ginsburg 1964, Les mammiferes fossiles recoltes a Sansan au cours du XIXe siecle. Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France. 5:1, p. 3 - 15
K. Heissig 1989, Neue Ergebnisse zur Stratigraphie der mittleren Serie der Oberen Süßwassermolasse Bayerns (New results on the stratigraphy of the middle series of upper Freshwater Molasse, Bavaria). Geologica Bavarica. 94:1, p. 239 - 257
K. Kowalski 1990, Stratigraphy of Neogene mammals in Poland. In E.H. Lindsay, V. Fahlbusch and P. Mein, eds., European Neogene Mammal Chronology, Plenum Press, New York. :1, p. 193 - 209
Th. Bollinger 1992, Kleinsäugerstratigraphie in der miozänen Hörnlischüttung (Ostschweiz); (Biostratigraphy of small mammals in the Hörnlischüttung of Miocene age (East Switzerland)). Documenta naturae. 75:1, p. 1 - 296
T. Mors, F. Hocht, B. Wutzler 2000, Die erst Wirbeltierfauna aus der miozanen Braunkohle der Niederrheinischen Bucht (Ville-Schichten, Tagebau Hambach) [The first vertebrate fauna from the Miocene Ville Series of the Lower Rhine Embayment (Hambach open cast mine, western Germany)]. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 74:1/2, p. 145 - 170
M. Augé, L. Ginsburg, F. L. de Broin, M. Makinsky, C. Mourer, D. Poiut, S. Sen 2002, Les vertébrés du Miocène moyen de Contres (Loir-et-Cher, France). Revue de Paléobiologie. 21:2, p. 819 - 852
M. Sabol, P. Holec, F. L. de Broin, M. Makinsky, C. Mourer, D. Poiut, S. Sen 2002, Temporal and spatial distribution of Miocene mammals in the western Carpatians (Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica. 53:4, p. 269 - 279
C. Gagnaison, J.-C. Gagnaison, J.-P. Harmann 2009, Les fossiles de mammifères miocènes de la colletion de J.-P. Hartmann conservés dans le Musée du Savignéen. Symbioses. 23:4, p. 1 - 16
C. Gagnaison, J.-C. Gagnaison, J.-P. Harmann 2017, Le site paléontologique du Grand Morier (Pont-Boutard, Indre-et-Loire, France): contexte géologique et détail biostratigraphique des formations cénozoïques à partir des assemblages de vertébrés fossiles. Geodiversitas. 39:2, p. 251 - 271, DOI: 10.5252/g2017n2a5